Information regarding Tailgate at the MetLife for US Tour

A few things to note:

1- Gates open from midday
2- Tailgate will take place in lot G – a short walk from the coach park in lot L and close to the stadium turnstiles.
3- Bring your own drink
4- As we are aware many of you are traveling a distance we have worked with MetLife to ensure there is a large food truck concession selling burgers / hot dogs etc for anyone who doesn’t want to bring / cook their own food
5- MUFC will be running some exclusive competitions and will have a limited number of fan giveaways
6- MUTV and club media will be there to film the event and meet our fans7
7- There may be a guest appearance by a club legend on the day so watch this space!
8- Stretford Paddock will be doing a live show from the tailgate

See you there!